jeudi 25 mai 2017

World Report,July 15,1947,40 pages - articles:Europe’s real needs for next four years ( re the Marshall plan) ( 2 pages with 2 pictures);Germany’s job…(re Western-zone industry ) (3 pages with one picture Paris meeting Bevin,Bidault, Molotov);More and more cheaper foods for oil-rich Venezuela ( 2 photos, one Venezuela farmer, the other, Nelson Rockefeller);America’s role in the Ditch East Indies (2 pages with 5 pictures);U.S. trade after 2 wars ( 2 pages);The United Nations without Russia ( 2 pages with one photo of Andrei Gromyko) - and a few interesting articles - aid abroad,Progress in reconstruction in Germany city,George C. Marshall, (Uo171)

World Report,July 15,1947,40 pages - articles:Europe’s real needs for next four years ( re the Marshall plan) ( 2 pages with 2 pictures);Germany’s job…(re Western-zone industry ) (3 pages with one picture Paris meeting Bevin,Bidault, Molotov);More and more cheaper foods for oil-rich Venezuela ( 2 photos, one Venezuela farmer, the other, Nelson Rockefeller);America’s role in the Ditch East Indies (2 pages with 5 pictures);U.S. trade after 2 wars ( 2 pages);The United Nations without Russia ( 2 pages with one photo of Andrei Gromyko) - and a few interesting articles - aid abroad,Progress in reconstruction in Germany city inside Soviet zone,enial by Secretaryof State of attempt to dominate Europe by George C. Marshall—very good condition with some wearingness on edge of spine - (Uo171)

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